Rebuilding (Part 3)
[ Preached by Pastor Kenneth Chin at Acts Church Malaysia on 17 December 2017 ]
Acts Church 2018 Theme was centred on “Building and Rebuilding”.
In Rebuilding (Part 2), we discussed having a cause, vision and a team for rebuilding. In this third part of our study, we will discuss another three points on how we can persevere through our journey of rebuilding.
1. Position
We often hear about how we should position ourselves for success, but what we need to do is to allow God to position us. He wants to give us a testimony and it is God who will bring us through every obstacle.
In verse 18, Nehemiah talked about having the hand of God over his life, referencing God’s favour and how he has been positioned to take on the good work of rebuilding the wall.
When we allow God to position us,
we can then tell the world that it was God
who made it possible.
2. Process
Read | Nehemiah 3
Just as the Jews worked together to build specific parts of the wall, we all have a specific role to play in achieving the overall goal.
The process of rebuilding is not only about what steps to take next, but also about who is next. It is the people who make the vision work.
As we move together, we will also discover that there are those among us who may have been “burnt” by previous experiences (Neh 4:2).
While they may seem difficult to work with, we must remember that they can still be used by God to rebuild what needs to be rebuilt.
It is not about where we come from,
but about where we are going together.
3. Progress
Read | Nehemiah 4:6
So we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, for the people worked with all their heart.
When we are working towards the vision, there may be instances where we may feel discouraged because the journey is long and arduous.
In those moments, we need to recognise that we have made some progress along the way. No matter how small it is, let us celebrate the small successes.
Just as the process is important, so is the progress.
As we celebrate the little steps, we ensure we will continue to work towards the ultimate vision. Let us not give up or give in as we rebuild our walls.
We have come too far not to fail our destiny!
What small wins have you made in the process of rebuilding
that you can celebrate?
Give thanks to God today!
Written By: Writer’s Ink
Edited By: Ivy Wambaa & Hailey Chung