Tag: Self-harm

VideoBreathe: Self-harm – “Mental Health” (Episode 04)

In this episode, Mathura and Hong Jin shares with us the struggles and challenges living with this illness as well as the victories they have experienced. Watch video

VideoBreathe: Self-harm – “Family” (Episode 03)

For most people, our initial exposure to societal relationships is with our immediate families. They are vital in moulding our character and can either make or break us Watch video

VideoBreathe: Self-harm – “Friends” (Episode 02)

In this episode, our guests Mathura, Hong Jin and Daniel share the piercingly difficult moments they had to face as well as the huge impact that some of their amazing friends had on their lives via one encouraging word, a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear at a time. Watch video

VideoBreathe: Self-harm – “Let’s Change the Game” (Prologue)

Breathe: Self-harm is a series exploring the emotions, facts and experiences of everyday Malaysians who are wanting to end their own lives. Watch video