Acts e-Newsletter (August 2022 Issue)

01 Aug 22   -  News

In the month of August 2022, we’d like to celebrate the good and faithful volunteers in Acts!

Cheering them on as they continue to give God their best in all that they do!

Click to watch the 1st episode of “Dream TEAM” series.

Dream Team Series | Episode 1 - Actstream, Acts Sound, Acts TV

Dream Team leaders share their dreams…

Give God only
the best, always.

Excerpts from Chinspiratons Vol 1

Every big dream needs commitment to small details.

Excerpts from Chinspiratons Vol 1

Volunteer with a Dream team today!
Click here to see the happenings at Acts for the past one month in a glance

LINetS (Life Inspired Network Society)

LINetS (represented by Dr Jill Ho and Melissa Nuah) was invited by International Medical University (IMC) to conduct a mental health workshop for 80 nursing students from all over Malaysia. Praise God for the favour and opportunity to strengthen the mental health of our nation’s future health professionals!

Follow LINetS on their FB at lifeinspirednetworksociety to receive resources on mental health and suicide prevention. Should you feel emotionally overwhelmed, please reach out to LINetS for counseling by emailing It’s ok to not be ok, help is always available.

Recommended Reading

“Without vision, people perish. But with it, they flourish.”

Are you a Vision Worker or a Roster Worker? One is led by purpose, the other by the circumstances around them. Like eagles, Vision Workers keep their eyes on the goal, soaring above to see the big picture. But like chickens, Roster Workers keep their eyes on the ground, pecking away at the dirt and details.

Whether it be a new job or a new project, we may start out as Vision Workers with energy and excitement. But when the going gets tough, disappointments and bitterness can creep in and cloud our vision, turning us into Roster Workers.

In order to succeed in life, it’s important to stick to the vision and not just go through the roster (ie. motions) of life.

Using everyday anecdotes, this inspiring book differentiates clearly between the two, and leaves the ultimate choice to readers – will you fly with eagles, or run with chickens?

Get a copy today!

We would love to hear from you! Share your story or feedback with us.

Looking forward to your feedback!