Month: May 2019

MessagesThe Pearl of Great Price

God's glory and gifts are often wrapped in testings and trials. Paul, in the Bible, says that He who began a good work in us will carry it into completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Watch video

MessagesThe Good Prayer (Part 3)

When we pray, our focus should be fixed on God's peace but can this peace come with power? Watch video

WritingsHow do I get the best of the Christian life?

Many of us have merely "signed up” to be Christians. We enjoy the perks of being a part of a church and of being in the community of believers, but God wants so much more for us. Read more

MessagesThe Good Prayer (Part 2)

What is the posture of our hearts when we come to God in prayer? Watch video

WritingsThe Empty Tomb

Two questions we are always asked as Christians are: Did Jesus really die? Did Jesus really rise again? The answer to both is a resounding yes! But what makes the empty tomb so significant? Read more