Month: April 2019

MessagesSin Series (Part 2): Despise The Shame

Have you ever made mistakes and afraid of being blamed? You try to hide the shame with the foresight that you might be scolded, but are you still living in shame? Watch video

WritingsJesus’ Death

It “broke the rules” and took Satan by surprise, dealing him a crushing and permanent defeat. Read more

QuotesWith Clarity comes Confidence.

- extract from Chinspiration Volume II Read more

VideoBreathe: Self-harm – “Self-Help” (Episode 06)

In the face of mental illness, many posed this important question: Is self-help possible? Watch video

MessagesSin Series (Part 1): Why was Jesus sent?

Jesus was sent to bless us by turning us away from our sins. But what is sin? Watch video

WritingsThe Sin Series Part 2: Despise The Shame

Adam endured the shame and despised the cross before him which led him down a path of blame, losing him his authority with God. Jesus, endured the cross, despised the shame and was able to sit down at the right hand of the Father, restoring back His authority as God’s son. Read more

VideoBreathe: Self-harm – “Faith” (Episode 05)

There are times that we may come to our wits’ end, where we believe that nothing on earth seem to favour us; a position we are so convinced about that no one else can help, and no other remedy could be found. Watch video