Rebuilding (Part 2)
[ Preached by Pastor Kenneth Chin at Acts Church Malaysia on 10 December 2017 ]
Acts Church 2018 Theme was centred on “Building and Rebuilding”.
In Rebuilding (Part 1), we learned that to rebuild – we need to know the problem, pray according to God’s promises and live and work in the favour and pleasure of God.
In the second part of this four-part series, we will explore the other steps necessary for rebuilding.
Read | Nehemiah 2:7-10
1. Purpose (Cause)
Living by urgency rather than importance can happen to any of us, particularly in today’s age where there is so much to do and so little time.
To counter this and ensure we only do what is important, we need to decide what we will and will not do before we even get into the heat of the fire.
You need to have a purpose in everything you do, why you do it and how you will get it done.
If we do not live by priorities,
we will end up living by pressure.
We need to resolve to stick to the purpose and plan that God has set out for us. (Daniel 1:8)
Eternal joy comes from Jesus and it is important that we start living for Him and for something bigger than ourselves. There is power in having a cause, not just any cause but the cause to which we have been specifically chosen and appointed by God.
Do not let the pressures of this world take over the purpose that God has for you. Purpose in your heart to let God’s word and ways prevail over all else.
Read | Nehemiah 2:10-16
2. Picture (Vision)
Do you have a clear view of what you need to rebuild? Our vision should be one defined by God’s desires for us according to His word.
Rebuilding also requires that we do not just delegate but that we go down to the ground to see what is happening for ourselves.
When we picture our vision from the ground up, just as Nehemiah did with inspecting the walls, we will know how to spend our resources which are so vital in the process of rebuilding.
We can apply this to our own lives by defining how we will live knowing that it is not only how long we live but how well we do.
Have a vision of what
you want your life to look like.
And do not let anything distract you from the vision and purpose that God has for you.
3. Partnership (Team)
There is a saying that “no man is an island”. In my own life, I have found that this is indeed true. Just as Jesus looked for the twelve disciples on the onset of His ministry, we too need to find a team to accomplish the plans we set out to do.
In Nehemiah 2:18, Nehemiah began to work with his team after he told them of God’s favour on him and eventually together they built up the wall around Jerusalem in only 52 days!
When looking to rebuild, do not neglect the power of teamwork. Alone, we can only do so much but with a team, we can achieve wonders!
Do you have a clear purpose and picture of what God is asking you
to rebuild in your life during this season?
Who can you partner with to make this vision a reality?
Written by: Ivy Wambaa
Edited by: Hailey Chung