The X Generation Conspiracy Theory: The Great Generational Set up

18 Oct 18   -  Writings


[ Extracted and edited from D2Y2 Magazine – April 2000 ]

It has been mentioned before, through a secular survey done in the 80’s, that the number of deaths recorded between 1970 to 1980 among children was the highest ever in all of history. Equal probably to the biblical account of the onslaughts that surrounded the birth of Moses and Jesus.

In prophetic perception, the X generation became Satan’s target for complete and utter – physical, if not spiritual and emotional annihilation, because God had a plan to raise her as an ambassador of reconciliation.

It is my belief that the X generation was to fulfill the prophecy in Malachi 4:5 – 6. An Elijah generation that will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to their fathers. A generation that will bridge the gap between the V, W and the Y, Z.

The result today however is that we have practically a whole generation lost or at the very least, incapacitated from fulfilling their true destiny like Joshua, to lead both the old and the young into the “promised land”.

A simple self conducted survey within the walls of your own church or fellowship will show you that the minority among the five mentioned generations above will most likely be the X generation. For example, how many X-ers do you know have planted churches, founded cutting edge ministries or are among those who are highly sought after preachers? Or do they only start after 40?

To a great extent, the devil has succeeded in his plans to “X” out an entire generation from fulfilling the purposes of God – in its fullest potential that is. As a result, another generation, known today as the Y-ers, is growing up void of sufficient godly role models, repeating the same mistakes and always trying to outdo the evils of the generation before them.

When once they kill at 21 out of anger in a gang fight, now they kill at 16 unprovoked in a peaceful school library. And believe me, it will only get worse. Do not be surprised the next time you hear of a preschool kid killing his classmate just for show, that is the Z generation.

Can you see that we have been set up? That somewhere along the way, something went terribly wrong when we are played right into the hands of the conspirator. So what now? What can we do? Can we stop this madness?



It is just like God to turn a rejected generation to a revival generation.

I believe that God will allow the “tares to grow with the wheat”. I believe that because God was making His final countdown in these last days, that Satan instigated the War and launched an all out attack on the remaining generations, particularly “succeeding” against the X-ers.

It is my belief that we are in the “this generation”(V,W, X, Y and Z all as one) mentioned in Matthew 24:34. I trust that the majority of those born immediately after World War II will remain to see the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ together with the younger generations.

God is not finished with the X generation. We can still make the difference if we respond now. It is just like God to turn a rejected generation to a revival generation. It is just like Him to give us a second chance. But we must awake and arise to the Captain’s call to stand in the gap and fight. Not just for our own sakes but for the sake of those before and especially those after us.



I am convinced that where we once did exploits for God at 21, the Y generation will do greater at 16 and the Z generation even greater still at an even younger age. Where sin abounds, grace abounds even more.

Stand still and watch. You will soon find out that our God is the greatest “backfire” specialist that mankind (and the spirit world) has and will ever know.

Class dismissed … welcome to the real world!


At the end of 1999, God promised Pastor Kenneth that if he would obey to plant and shepherd a local church that would reach out primarily to the X generation, He would bless the work and transform the ‘X’ to become the ‘Acts’ generation, He promised that this local church would be an international movement and a model to many, and that if we will remain faithful to build according to His pattern, we will see “one generation praise His name to another…”

Acts Church was birthed in February 2000. 


D2Y2, which stands for Don’t Despise Your Youth, was an official Asian Youth Ambassador (AYA) magazine birthed out in the late 90s. The printed materials communicated dynamic and effective encouragement to and from the Church, with special emphasis on the knowledge and experiences of our Christian youths, which we believe the content is still relevant and applicable in this current generation.