Category: Writings

WritingsPearl of Great Price

God wants to give us the “weight of glory”, but it doesn’t come without sacrifice, sufferings and bad times. Read more

WritingsThink Like God (Part 2)

Why is it so hard to think like God? This begs the question: what are we feeding our minds? Read more

WritingsThink Like God (Part 1)

How can one think like God? Doesn’t it say in Isaiah 55:8-9 that His thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are our ways His ways? Read more

WritingsGod’s Thoughts For Us

It is worth remembering that His thoughts for us are only peace and not evil, to give us a future and a hope. Read more

WritingsGet Off The Roof

Let us not get caught up with the splendours of this world that we see from the roof.  Read more

WritingsWhy Worship Works (Part 5)

Worship, therefore, helps us restart and refresh the areas of our lives that we know we need to work on overcoming or perfecting. Read more

WritingsWhy Worship Works (Part 4)

There are times when worship lingers with you because you have learnt to linger in worship! Read more

WritingsWhy Worship Works (Part 3)

How worship permeate through our day, influencing and sometimes even dictating how we interact with the world. Read more

WritingsWhy Worship Works (Part 2)

When we become worshippers, we will experience more and more the authority of God in and through our lives. Read more

WritingsWhy Worship Works (Part 1)

Even in the darkest dungeon, we are made to worship God. Read more